
Maui Wedding

maui wedding
Fragrant Orchids of Maui grew these wonderful phalaenopsis for a wedding fit for a queen. Nothing says love like a white orchid.


Whole Foods Poster
Whole Foods Markets features Fragrant Orchids of Maui.

Maui County Fair Orchid Land

2010 Maui County Fair

Our orchids featured in the following magazines

Orchid Magazine

Our orchids displayed on page 388.

Architectural Digest

Our orchids displayed on page 93.

Three of our American Orchid Society Award Winning Orchids

Kalos Rainbow link image
Kalo's Rainbow AM/AOS
kaneko link image
"Kaneko's Beauty" AM/AOS
shin-yatomi link image
Paphiopedilum philippinense "Shin Yatomi" AM/AOS